Genesis  -  How This Resource Came to be




The Church has always promoted industriousness and encouraged this among its members. The Depression of the 1930’s hastened a formalization of programs to meet the challenge and support individuals and their families.


More recently the Church established Regional Employment Centers with staff and service missionaries to assist individuals in obtaining employment. As the Internet developed it provided online support through


Refining these Church efforts, the employment programs progressed to a more local focus with the Self Reliance Program administered at the Stake level. Programs for starting your own business and getting a better job are conducted in formal Groups emphasizing self-help.




The material presented in  Golden Employment  is not a Church sponsored effort.


It was developed by former service missionaries who served in the Church regional employment centers. Their collective experience has been the basis for organizing, developing and presenting this employment support as a self-paced resource. 


It is hoped that this resource will be found useful to both un-employed individuals and to Groups in the Church Self Reliance Program.



“The Lord loves effort” – President Russell M. Nelson





Keith Handy, Manager, Denver Employment Resource Center




John Kuzmich Jr  Employment Service Missionary

C James Olsten   Employment Service Missionary




Lance Farr

Gerry Green

Dallin Kuzmich

Roslyn Kuzmich

Karla Nuzman

Le Sellers


Others …


The Service Missionaries of the Denver Employment Resource Center 2010 - 2017


Start to Finish

Site Map


Job Sources





