ClarisWorks Drawing Instructions!

  1. Assignment #1 Using the sheet attached of Dazzle Draw Projects, complete section one using the Draw selection. Remember that all print setting is done by selecting the A in the Tools Palette.  Here are some suggestions; work on a background which you have colored, use different color tent and make it artistic. Total 100 points.

  2. Assignment #2    Using the sheet attached of Dazzle Draw Projects, complete section two using the Draw selection. Remember that all print setting is done by selecting the A in the Tools Palette. On this assignment you will need to draw and type. Look at what is available and refer to your first sheet of properties from the first day of drawing.

  3. Assignment #3    Using the sheet attached of Dazzle Draw Projects, complete section three using the Draw selection. Remember that all print setting is done by selecting the R in the Tools Palette. On this assignment you will need to draw and type. With many of the drawings, do not use freehand, use the shapes available on the Tools Palette.

  4. Assignment #4    Using the sheet attached of Dazzle Draw Projects, complete section four using the Draw or Paint selection.  Remember that all print setting is done by selecting the A in the Tools Palette. On this assignment you mill need to dram and type. Most of your drawing can be done freehand. AIso in the Tools Palette you can use the Bezigon and in your menu's pick duplication and rotation.

  5. Assignment #5    Using the sheet attached of Dazzle Draw Projects, complete section five using the Draw or Paint selection.  Remember that all print setting is done by selecting the A In the Tools Palette. On this assignment you will need to draw and type. Most of your drawing can be done with using the shapes given but you will need to use freehand in the paint mode to make highlights and shadows. This is usually done with spray paint. AIso in the Tools Palette you can use the Bezigon and In your menu's pick duplication and rotation for some of your objects. This is your first real paint application, more on side two.

  6. Assignment #6    Using the sheet attached of Dazzle Draw Projects, complete section six using the Draw or Paint selection. On this assignment you will need to draw, paint and type. Your drawing can be done freehand as weii as by using the preset forms. You as now trying to make a 3 dimensional perspective, as shown in Vanishing Point I and II. Drawings and charts can be imported into other documents to make them look funny or present an idea.

  7. Assignment Final Project    This uses all of your skills that you have  developed up to now. See the handout for this project. It is worth 600 points.