Check Your Grade For Dr. Kuzmich's Classes:
24 hours, 7 Days a Week for
a Complete Progress Report!

Winter, 2005 Semester Grades: 3rd Grading Period!!!

Internet Explorer Browser Grades Updated: May 20, 2005

Netscape Browser Grades Updated: May 20, 2005

Important Notes:

  1. If you didn't receive an e-mail from me today, please send me an e-mail so I can add you to my mailing list.
  2. In the meantime, you can view the very latest parent newsletter at:

Parents and students: you must have your student number and assigned PIN number in order to review your grades! Please use Netscape Navigator, version 4.7 or later, as your web browser for checking your grades. Whenver downloading the latest web brower, select full Java download version. To my knowledge, Microsoft Explorer will also work as well with version 4.0 and later. Please advise if it doesn't work properly. Generally, the latest web browsers work better than earlier versions. Because each computer has different configurations, not every browser works as expected. If you should have any problems getting to your child's grades, try another browser: Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator and Mozilla's FireFox are my three top choics. Note: all of the ID's and Pin-Numbers are proprietary from Dr. Data and you can not use your child's Carmody ID number. Dr,. Data's student ID # is a special 4-digit number. The PIN number is the student's specifically given password which is also from Dr. Data. For students that can't access the Internet and/or print at home, they can always view and print their progress at school, usually beginning on Monday after being posted on the Internet on Fridays.

Be sure your child has the correct Dr. Data student ID and pin number. Remember: 25 extra-credit points whenever a parent prints and signs the on-line progress report and the child returns it to my class the very first day of the every school week (Mondays). Please be sure to print your child's full name on the returned progress report since the parent's name may not always match the student's name and I want to give your child the 25 extra-credit points in my gradebook each week!

Note: in order to accomodate students that learn differently, Assignments for each each grading period per semester are extended for all students as follows for submitting/making up all class assignments/tests to better accomodate individual student learning differences as follows: 1st semester (October 1, November 5 and December 17, 2004) and 2nd semester (February 17, April 15 and June 2, 2005). All grading period work is due on or before those deadlines and not accepted after those dates.

  • Period 3: Fall Semester 2004