7th Grade Explorer Spreadsheet Assignments!

(6 assignments in 9 days!)

By Dr. Data

November for first semester and April for second semester classes

| Introduction to Spreadsheets | Required Assignments | Extra-Credit Assignments |

Introduction to Spreadsheet Fundamentals

We will now concentrate on spreadsheets as the next instructional segment of the Elective 7th Grade Computer Class. Please be aware of the number of assignments and specific skills that need to be mastered and completed as part of your grade. You are responsible for all assignments. Individual handouts are available for each assignment. All completed assignments need to be kept in your class notebook after they are graded. Fridays will be set up for all typing tests with additional options of making up incomplete assignments, extra-credit work and computer games.

Note: many of the following required spreadsheet and extra-credit assignments ca be done at home if you have a computer with a spreadsheet, such as Microsoft Excel, Corel Quatro Pro, Clarisworks, etc.

There three types of data are necessary for a spreadsheet:

Spreadsheets are definitely number driven by formulas. The hardest part of understanding how spreadsheets work is to understand the power of formulas in which answers are derived within a split second via formula calculations whenever the data (numbers) change on the spreadsheet. Once students see and understand how formulas work in a spreadsheet, their adventures with spreadsheets will be very productive. And consversely, unproductive if they refuse to recognize the importance of formulas by substituting numbers for formulas. The power of spreadsheets is in their formulas and not in their numbers.

Here's a short worksheet explaining spreadsheet concepts at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Introduction_ClarisWorks_Spreadsheet2.pdf and a great on-line tutorial at: http://www.pen.k12.va.us/Div/Winchester/tech/trt/clrswkss.html

Need more assistance? Here are excellent on-line tutorials for learning spreadsheet concepts in Excel and ClarisWorks.

  1. Excel
  2. ClarisWorks/AppleWorks

Required Spreadsheet Assignments
(You can use Clarisworks or Microsoft Excel)

For the Specific Twenty-Seven Spreadsheet Concepts and Objectives Taught Within Each Daily Assignment:
Go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Scorecard_Spreadsheet

  1. Demonstration Sheet - Assignment #1. Printout the Introduction Spreadsheet Worksheet with answers only. Then print out the Introduction Spreadsheet with formulas for all answers. Do not submit your Introduction Spreadsheet assignment until it has formuals instead of answers. Dr. Data will show you how to toggle between an answer version and a formula version. Once this is learned, success will be yours in the spreadsheet unit!
    • Learning Objective: Create an entry level spreadsheet with formulas, text and numbers. Formulas to be created in the spreadsheet: multliplying and averaging (with adding and dividing.


    Note: if you would like to know what spreadsheet concepts you will be learning in this unit of instruction, go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/Quiz/Spreadsheet/Final_Spreadsheet_Test.pdf to take the 500, 400, 300, 200 or 100 point test. You literally can earn the grade of your choice!


    If you need an on-line tutorial on how to do spreadsheets in Clarisworks/Appleworks and/or Microsoft Excel, click here.


  2. First Spreadsheet - Assignment #2. Printout First_Spreadsheet_Original with answers only. Then print out the First_Spreadsheet_Formula with formulas instead of answers. Do not submit your assignment until it has formulas for every bold answer.
  3. Clarisworks Spreadsheet: Parts 1 through 6 - Assignment #3

  4. Family Budget Spreadsheet - Assignment #4. Printout Family Budget Original and Family Budget Formula. Learning Objective: Create to an intermediate spreadsheet specializing in addition and subtraction.

  5. Food Storage Spreadsheet - Assignment #5: Printout Food Storage Original and Food Storage Formula. Learning Objective: Create to an intermediate spreadsheet specializing in addition.

  6. Final Spreadsheet Project - Assignment #6: go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Final_Spreadsheet.html Learning Objective: Create two advanced spreadsheets with addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and averaging per instructions in the assignment rubric.

  7. Final Assessment for for Spreadsheet instruction. Click at http://www.kuzmich.com/Quiz/Spreadsheet/Final_Spreadsheet_Test.pdf to take the 500, 400, 300, 200 or 100 point test. You literally can earn the grade of your choice! Learning Objective: documented proof that students understand the inside wter workings of a spreadsheet based on the following criteria:

  8. Makeup Day - available on to be announced Fridays

Extra-Credit Assignments

See Dr. Data for the extra-credit assignments, such as Crossword Spreadsheet #1, Y2K Food Storage Spreadsheet. They can be done at home or in class for extra-credit at 25 points per assignment.