March 16, 2009

Dear Carmody Computer Parents and Their Students:

Four important points to emphasize in this, the ninth 2009 winter semester newsletter before Spring Fever Arrives!

  1. All of Dr. Data's courseware are actually on-line for 24/7 use in completing any and/or all class assignments and projects at home, public library, parent's work place, relative's neighbor's and friend's computers. 

  2. Beware: both 7th and 8th grade classes are in new units of instructiion and you guessed it, middle school students don't always like change in curriculum that are different near spring break!! Please assist your child where appropriate in catching some of the basic concepts of their new units of instructions. Once they catch on, they will both enjoy and master these essebtuak business-oriented units of instruction quickly.

  3. 8th Grade classes are into spreadsheets in Week 8 at: There are lots of tutorials on this web site plus the assignments are all listed under Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday options. Select the second options as I feel they are generally easier to learn for entry-level spreadsheet usage.

    1. Second Choice due on Monday: "In Search of the Wild West." at:


      Second Choice due on Tuesday: "How Many Pets Does Our Class Own? " at"



  4. Success Guaranteed in Dr. Data's 7th & 8th Grade Computer Classes if Students/Parents Follow These Guidelines! Very important web page for both parents and students. Students can't fail if parents and students do their fair-share!  With parent involvement success is guaranteed as students are more engaged with parent collaboration since almost all unfinished class assignments can be completed as homework at home without any penalty.

Hope this helps.

Till next time,

Dr. Data